Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chunky Monkey

My Bath Robe!

Go Heels!
Mommy and Me!

Look at my belly!!
I love looking up! My head is so big but I am getting stronger and stronger!
Ready for a walk, Piper?
WOW! I must have alot of brian in there!

I know it has been a while since I have posted but I have been trying to enjoy my last few weeks as a stay at home mom. I have loved every minute of it and am not looking forward to having to leave Spencer in a few weeks. He is growing up so fast and is getting so chubby but we are totally in love with him. He is getting much better at sleeping at night. He usually only wakes up once during the night! He is growing into his own little personality and loves to gives lots of smiles and laughs especially first thing in the morning and when his grandparents are visiting. It melts our hearts every time he smiles at us. Mommy and Daddy seem to have the special touch these days, which I never quite understood until we had one of our own. Spencer loves to have be tickled, he loves his rattle and his sister, Piper. Piper is growing more affectionate with him every day and I can't wait until they can throw balls together. Spencer also loves the hair dryer and loves it when Daddy comes home. He follows Josh with his eyes every where he goes and does not take them off of him. He also loves bath tub(until we take him out). He is probably around 14 pounds now and is starting to get little rubber bands on his arms and legs and we just love to kiss the. Well, I have to go. It is Spencer's nap time(and maybe Mommy's too)!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Two Months Old!!

It is hard to believe that Spencer is already two months old. He has brought such joy to our lives that it is hard to imagine life before him(besides sleeping all night). We went yesterday for his check up and he weighed 12 pounds 13 ounces( 75%), was 22 inches long( about mid-range) and his head measured in the 90%! So, he is going to be very smart! He also did great with his shots! He wailed for about 15 seconds and then just stopped and looked at me, as if to say, "That was it." We were so proud of him! If that wasn't enough, last night we fed him at 10 and he went until 5:30 the next morning. He fussed a few times in the middle of the night but all he needed was a pat on his butt and a couple of rocks and he fell back to sleep. I don't really expect this to be a regular thing because we gave him Tylenol for his legs, but we will take what we can get. Our doctor told us that I needed to take away his 3am feeding and start trying to get him into his own room but it so hard. We tried last night and let him cry for about 9 minutes before we broke down and I went and got him. It wasn't just me either, Josh missed him in our bed as well. We will keep working at it though!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Our Little Valentine

This was taken before Josh and I went out on our first date since Spencer was born.
We went to Ryans and had a wonderful time.
Our Valentine
What did you see?
Tummy time. He is so good at holding up his head. It is amazing!
Little Man Outfit!
Miss Jennifer gave me this outfit and guess what, it is reversible!

Piper trying to get Spencer to play ball with her.
This is how we tell when Spencer is hungry. He starts sucking on Josh's nose.

Things are going great at the Foster home the past few weeks. Spencer has started to wake up only once during the night around 3-4 and then again around 6-7, so Mommy is getitng more sleep. He still will not sleep by himself and we have tried putting him in his Pack N' Play but he just loves to cuddle so much. He is getting so big and it is hard to believe that next Wednesday he will be two months old. Piper is doing so good with him and has started to bring him her football, like he is supposed to throw it for her. It is the cutest thing to watch. Check back next week for his two month old check up results and also pray for us as he will be getting his shots!